

Creates a date picker control on the form.

ContextMenuAllow to attach a ContextMenu to the control. ContextMenu must be created first.
CursorThis property define what cursor will be showed when mouse over the control.
DateSet date value. This always in your local date format.
EnabledThis is True by default. Set it to False to generate disabled control. This will add GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) line.
FontThis property allow to set font properties - color, font face, size and bold/italic/underline/strikeout attributes.
FormatSet date/time format, according to Windows API.
Left,TopPosition of control relative to it's parent.
Width,HeightSize of control in pixels.
HintThis property containing text that will appear when mouse cursor is over control. This will add GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Your hint text") line.
NameUnique name of control, this defines the name of variable where control ID will be kept. It also can be empty, when no variable will be created.
OnChangeStandard control event.
ResizingThis property define contol resizing.
TabOrderThis property define in which order controls will be created. This is meaningful when you want switch between controls with Tab key. You also can use TabOrder Visual Editor. Tab order starts from 0.
TimeSet time value. This always in your local time format.
VisibleThis is True by default. Set it to False to generate hidden control. This will add GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_HIDE) line.



