
Grid options

Display grid

Show grid on the form designer canvas.

Snap to grid

When a control is created, it will be automatically aligned to the closest grid “line”.

Grid size

Horizontal and vertical grid sizes. Default is 8 x 8 pixels.


Options for saving designer windows size and position. This can be:

Size and position saving

Keep standard layout

When moving windows, Koda will still maintain its standard layout.

Snap windows

Property inspector, object tree and form list windows will snap to main form and to each other.

Other options

Reflect form style changes in designtime

In this mode, changes in form styles will immediately visible at canvas, without need of refreshing.

Don't reflect unsafe styles

Setting some styles can mess with your form, and you won't be able to return its previous state until form reloading. This option is on by default and it is the recommended setting. Change it at your own risk.

Object Tree

Always full expand

When this option enabled, tree will be always expand when changed (like in earlier Koda versions).