The Set PhysX configuration page is available if your system has one or more PhysX-capable GPUs.
Auto-select (recommended): This option lets the NVIDIA driver select the best processor for PhysX.
<specific GPU>: This option causes the GPU to be used to accelerate PhysX processing. If the system has more than one PhysX-capable GPU, then you can select which GPU to use for PhysX GPU acceleration.
CPU: This option causes the CPU to be used for PhysX processing.
The GPU configuration visualizer shows the system configuration for the current selected options. The selections do not go into effect until you click Apply. The visualizer shows:
GPUs in the system
Enabled and disabled connectors
Enabled connectors can drive displays, whereas disabled (grayed out) connectors cannot drive displays. The connector state depends on the configuration options you select, and can change if displays are hot-plugged.
For notebook PCs, the connectors shown may not match your hardware - for example, if you are using a docking station, then the connector on the docking station may not be indicated in the visualizer.
Displays connected
Inactive displays are grayed out. SLI focus displays are identified with a green outline.
PhysX configuration
The PhysX cloud above the GPUs indicates that all the active displays benefit from PhysX, and points to the GPU that will be used for PhysX processing. If there is no pointer, then the CPU has been selected for PhysX processing.