The Set SLI Configuration page is available if your system has two or more NVIDIA-based GPUs in an SLI platform.
Select the SLI configuration
Disable SLI: This option causes all SLI GPUs to run independently and lets you drive multiple displays on each GPU.
Maximize 3D performance: This option, where possible, causes the SLI GPUs to work together to increase rendering performance of 3D applications.
Span display with Surround: This option lets you combine multiple displays to act as one larger display to allow a panoramic view of full-screen games or your desktop.
Activate all displays: This option enables all available displays. If possible, SLI rendering may still be enabled.
GPU Configuration Visualizer:
The GPU configuration visualizer shows the system configuration for the current selected options. The selections do not go into effect until you click Apply. The visualizer shows:
GPUs in the system
Enabled and disabled connectors
For notebook PCs, the connectors shown may not match your hardware - for example, if you are using a docking station, then the connector on the docking station may not be indicated in the visualizer.
Active and inactive displays connected
SLI configuration
The SLI bar under the GPUs indicates the SLI mode (SLI, 3-way SLI, Quad SLI, or 4-way SLI) and points to the GPUs that are used for SLI.