These connection instructions apply to Quadro/NVS cards with four DisplayPort 1.2 connectors.
Select your application:
You can connect two 5K monitors to the single Quadro/NVS card - connect DP1 and DP2 from each 5K monitor to any two DisplayPort connectors.
You can configure both 5K monitors in clone mode, extended mode, or Mosaic mode.
NOTE: Images are for illustrative purposes, and may not match your particular card.
Configuration |
Notes |
Single Card
Supports 2-way Mosaic.
Clone/Extended Mode You can configure both 5K monitors in clone or extended mode. |
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Connection Rules
Connect DP1 and DP2 from each 5K monitor to two DisplayPort connectors on each Quadro card. Do not connect DP1 to one Quadro card and DP2 to another Quadro card.
You can connect the 5K monitor to any two DisplayPort connectors on the card.
DP1 and DP2 from each 5K monitor must be connected to the same connector positions on each Quadro card.
For example:
DP1 is connected to connector 1 and DP2 is connected to connector 2 on the master SLI GPU.
The same connections must be made for the remaining SLI GPUs.
NOTE: Images are for illustrative purposes, and may not match your particular card.
Configuration |
Mosaic, Clone, and Extended Mode Notes |
2-way SLI
Mosaic Connections Supports 2-way, 3-way, or 4-way Mosaic. 2-way Mosaic: Connect each 5K monitor to a separate card. DP1/DP2 connector positions on each card must match. 3-way Mosaic: Connect two 5K monitors to the master SLI GPU, and the third monitor to the SLI slave GPU. DP1/DP2 connector positions on each card must match. 4-way Mosaic: Connect two 5K monitors to each card. DP1/DP2 connector positions on each card must match.
Also see Topology Limitations below.
Clone/Extended Mode You can configure two 5K monitors connected to the master SLI GPU in extended or clone mode.
3-way SLI
Mosaic Connections Supports 2-way, 3-way, 4-way, 5-way, or 6-way Mosaic. 2-way Mosaic: Connect each 5K monitor to a separate card. DP1/DP2 connector positions on each card must match. 3-way Mosaic: Connect each of three 5K monitors to separate cards. DP1/DP2 connector positions on each card must match. 4-way Mosaic: Connect two 5K monitors to the master SLI GPU, and each of the other two monitors to separate cards. DP1/DP2 connector positions on each card must match. 5-way Mosaic: Connect two 5K monitors to the master SLI GPU, and the remaining monitors to any other GPU with open connectors. DP1/DP2 connector positions on each card must match. 6-way Mosaic: Connect two 5K monitors to each card. DP1/DP2 connector positions on each card must match.
Also see Topology Limitations below.
Clone/Extended Mode You can configure two 5K monitors connected to the master SLI GPU in extended or clone mode.
4-way SLI
Mosaic Connections Supports 2-way, 3-way, 4-way, 5-way, 6-way, or 8-way Mosaic. 2-way Mosaic: Connect each 5K monitor to a separate card. DP1/DP2 connector positions on each card must match. 3-way Mosaic: Connect each of three 5K monitors to separate cards. DP1/DP2 connector positions on each card must match. 4-way Mosaic: Connect each of four 5K monitors to separate cards. DP1/DP2 connector positions on each card must match. 5-way Mosaic: Connect two 5K monitors to the master SLI GPU, and the remaining monitors to each of the three remaining cards. 6-way Mosaic: Connect two 5K monitors to each card. DP1/DP2 connector positions on each card must match. 8-way Mosaic: Connect two 5K monitors to each card. DP1/DP2 connector positions on each card must match.
Also see Topology Limitations below.
Clone/Extended Mode You can configure two 5K monitors connected to the master SLI GPU in extended or clone mode.
The following limitations exist for Mosaic topologies using 5K monitors: 4-way Mosaic: - 2x2 (landscape or portrait) - 4x1 (landscape only) - 1x4 (portrait only) 5-way Mosaic: - 5x1 (landscape only) - 1x5 (portrait only) 6-way Mosaic: - 2x3 (landscape or portrait) - 3x2 (landscape or portrait) - 1x6 or 6x1 is not supported 7-way Mosaic is not supported 8-way Mosaic: - 4x2 (landscape only) - 2x4 (portrait only) - 1x8 or 8x1 is not supported |
Back to Connecting 5K Monitors to Quadro GPUs
Connection Rules
Connect DP1 and DP2 from each 5K monitor to two DisplayPort connectors on each Quadro/NVS card. Do not connect DP1 to one Quadro/NVS card and DP2 to another Quadro/NVS card.
You can connect the 5K monitor to any two DisplayPort connectors on the card.
NOTE: Images are for illustrative purposes, and may not match your particular card.
Configuration |
Notes |
Two GPUs
Supports a maximum of four 5K monitors. Connect each monitor to the ports on the same GPU. Clone Mode You can configure two 5K monitors connected to the same card in clone mode. Extended Mode You can configure two 5K monitors connected to any card in extended mode. The monitors do not need to be connected to the same card.
Three GPUs |
Supports a maximum of six 5K monitors. Connect each monitor to the ports on the same GPU. Clone Mode You can configure two 5K monitors connected to the same card in clone mode. Extended Mode You can configure two 5K monitors connected to any card in extended mode. The monitors do not need to be connected to the same card. |
Four GPUs |
Supports a maximum of eight 5K monitors. Connect each monitor to the ports on the same GPU. Clone Mode You can configure two 5K monitors connected to the same card in clone mode. Extended Mode You can configure two 5K monitors connected to any card in extended mode. The monitors do not need to be connected to the same card. |
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