To set up Mosaic (Windows Vista and later)

Setting up Mosaic involves three basic processes:

  1. Connect Your Displays

  2. Configure Your Display Settings

  3. Configure Mosaic




Connect Your Displays

Connect all the displays that you intend to use in Mosaic mode to the NVIDIA Quadro Plex unit or to Quadro/Quadro FX cards.

If you are using Mosaic with sync-capable GPUs, refer to Quadro Plex D2 Mosaic Connections or Quadro Plex D2 Mosaic Connections for Passive Stereo for the proper connections to make.

Note: Four-display configurations are supported when using dual sync-capable Quadro/Quadro FX cards. Refer to the single-Quadro Plex diagrams for guidance in making the display connections.


Configure Your Display Settings


  1. Use the NVIDIA Control Panel to configure your display settings.

  2. Display settings may include but are not limited to:

  3. If using Mosaic with the SLI bridge, verify that SLI antialiasing is not enabled.

    1. From the NVIDIA Control Panel Select a Task pane, under 3D Settings, select Manage 3D settings to open the associated page.

    2. Check the Antialiasing – Setting feature to make sure it is not set to any of the “SLI AA” values (for example, 16x SLI AA, 32x SLI AA).

    3. Check the SLI Performance mode setting to make sure it is not set to SLI Antialiasing.

  4. Set the Stereo settings as needed.

  5. On the Manage 3D Settings page:

  6. If you are not using Mosaic with sync-capable GPUs, enable V-Sync.

    1. From the NVIDIA Control Panel Select a Task pane, under 3D Settings, select Manage 3D Setting.

    2. Click the Global Settings tab, and then from the Global presets pull-down menu, select Base profile.

    3. From the Settings list box, select Vertical sync and change its value to Force on, then click Apply.

    4. From the Global presets pull-down menu, select 3D App - Default Global Settings (the driver’s default profile) or use the application profile that matches the application you are using, then click Apply.


Configure Mosaic  

  1. From the NVIDIA Control Panel Select a Task pane, under Workstation, click Set Up Mosaic to open the associated page.

  2. If not already expanded, click the Sync Capability Information icon (+) to expand the information box and see which GPUs in your system are able to synchronise multiple displays with each other.

  3. NOTE: This box appears only if there is at least one sync-capable GPU in your system.

    To view this information, move the mouse over the corresponding icon in the Sync Capability column:

  4. Click Create a new configuration and then follow the steps in the Mosaic Setup wizard.

You can create more than one Mosaic configuration depending on the displays that are connected. You must click Create a new configuration and then follow the wizard for each Mosaic configuration that you create.

See Set Up Mosaic Wizard for guidance on using the wizard.


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