How to export or print Project automatically after downloading?

Automatic export or print will occur once the Project download is complete.

Enter the Export parameters in the URL field below the starting URL (on a separate line). Such as:


Replace the c:\export\ with the directory in which to put the exported files.

";" symbol separates the path from settings in the Export window. 0 means unchecked, 1 - checked value: first symbol is "Use standard extensions", second is "Filenames format" (0 - as-is, 1 - 8+3, 2 - Joliet), third is "Preserve online links", fourth - "Put files to" (0 - directory, 1 - Zip archive, 2 - MHT archive, 3 - MS IE cache, 4 - HTML Help (CHM), 5 - compressed EXE viewer, 6 - HTML Help with Contents, 7 - FTP upload), fifth - not used, sixth - "Make Autorun CD", seventh - create Contents.htm file, eighth - do not create subdirectories, ninth - export recently loaded files only, tenth - add original URL to HTML files, eleventh - faster export, 12th - open file after export, 13th - disable popups, 14th - create report.txt file, 15th - delete exported files after FTP upload.

For FTP upload, use command like this:


You can also use URL macros in the AutoExport parameters. For example:


This will export the Project to directories c:\export1\, c:\export2\ ... c:\export31\ depending on the download date.

After adding the AutoExport line to the Project URLs field you may test it by selecting the Project in the Projects tree and pressing Ctrl+E to open the Export dialog. The latter will use the AutoExport settings from the Project.

Print command is the following:


Two other print commands:

Additional=PrintWhenUpdated - print all Project Web pages only when one or more new/updated files were downloaded.

Additional=PrintUpdatedOnly - print only the new and updated Project Web pages.

You can combine both export and print commands the following way:


Additional=DeleteProjectFiles removes downloaded files. It is good if you want to export the Project automatically and do not keep files in the Download directory.

Another enhancement to the delete files feature is ability to remove certain files by keywords after they were downloaded and parsed:
