Downloading BitTorrent files

You may use Portable Offline Browser to load by BitTorrent protocol. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Click the Open Torrent File button and browse for a .torrent file on your hard disk. This will create a new Project with the path to this file in the URLs field. You will also see the dialog to choose files to download.

  2. Create a new Project to download a link to a .torrent file or a site with such files. If you allow BitTorrent protocol in the Project Properties dialog - URL Filters - Protocol section, Portable Offline Browser will follow the links to .torrent files, download them and it will start downloading the files specified in .torrent trackers.

When you see BitTorrent files downloading in the Download Progress panel, you may double-click this connection to see more details, select files to download and to skip, etc.