Downloading a Project

Downloading a Project means that Portable Offline Browser starts retrieving files from the Internet according to the Project Properties settings. To download a Project, first select the Project you want to download. Then:

  1. Click the Start button on the Ribbon - Home tab.

  2. Click the Download Project or Folder in the Toolbar.

  3. Press F5 on the keyboard.

  4. If the Project is created using the Address Bar, the Project begins to download automatically.

  5. Project downloads may be scheduled by selecting the Schedule section from Project Properties - Advanced. This determines when and how often a Project will be automatically downloaded. See Scheduling for more details.

  6. Command line parameters may be used to download Projects when Portable Offline Browser starts.

Once the download has been started, Portable Offline Browser begins loading files located under the Project URL. Every link in the file is checked against the limits set in the Project Properties: Limit number, File Types, File Sizes, URL Filters, etc. Since Portable Offline Browser downloads a limited number of files at one time, other files are placed in the Queue to wait for the download. The Status bar displays the number of processed (downloaded) files and the number of files waiting in the Queue. When all files are downloaded and no files are left in Project Queue, the Project download is complete.

While a Project is downloading, a small green forward-arrow will be added to the Project icon. When the download is complete, the Project icon is returned to its normal state. Downloaded files are available offline at this time.

Portable Offline Browser can download many Projects simultaneously. Files queued for download by all Projects share the same downloading channels.

Each Project has its own downloading queue, so files from different Projects will be downloaded in parallel. Portable Offline Browser also allows you to limit the maximum number of connections that will be used by the Project. You can do it with the help of the context menu in the Queue tab or by adding the following line to the Project's URLs field:


You can also limit the number of simultaneous connections to each of the servers to prevent it from overloading:


To stop downloading a Project, select the Project and then click the Stop downloading button on Quick Access Toolbar or click Stop on the Ribbon - Home tab. To stop loading all Projects at once, click Stop All on the Ribbon - Tools tab.

Downloading may be temporarily suspended to free the Internet access channel by selecting Download | Suspend. All downloading Projects icons will change to the yellow VCR pause sign. To resume downloading, select Download | Resume. When suspending, Portable Offline Browser will not break the connections immediately. Instead, it will wait until every currently downloading file is complete, so there may be a pause before the Project is suspended.

Downloads in Portable Offline Browser may also be delayed. During the delay, other downloading activity will be available in Portable Offline Browser and the computer may be restarted. See Suspending to a file for details.

You can control the download process even more precisely in Portable Offline Browser. There is a Queue tab that shows all URLs that Portable Offline Browser downloads for the selected Project. Right-click a URL in the list to abort it, copy the URL or Referer, perform other actions.

The Queue manager also allows you to limit the number of connections for the selected Project and pause individual Projects.

When you download streaming files (MMS, PNM and RTSP protocols) you may save a partially downloaded stream. Right-click the desired file in the Connections panel and choose Finalize from the popup menu.