Options dialog: Internet - Speed

You can setup four different speed modes. Each of them can have unlimited download speed or limited to a certain amount of Kbytes per second.

By default, High speed is unlimited, Medium - 20 KBs/second, Low - 3 KBs/second, Background - 1 KB/second.

1 KByte corresponds to 1024 bytes.

Limiting speed is useful when you want to download Web sites with Portable Offline Browser and still browse Web sites online, receive/send E-mails, etc. If you don't limit the download speed, Portable Offline Browser may use all available Internet connection bandwidth and other Internet software will work too slow.

RTSP bandwidth lets you to tell Portable Offline Browser to choose even better quality of video and audio streams than your Internet connection usually allows. For example, if you are using a typical modem connection, you can choose to download 256 K DSL-optimized streams. The download will take more time than with a lower-quality stream, but the resulting downloaded file will be high-quality.

BitTorrent connections. When you add a new torrent download, Portable Offline Browser will use this limit of open connections to download files. You can change it by right-clicking inside the BitTorrent download dialog - connections panel.