Undocumented Registry values

Registry keys.

Portable Offline Browser:

All settings are in the Projects\Settings.dat file.

If you want to change these Registry settings, please quit Portable Offline Browser first. Then run find the above file using NotePad find the desired value(s). Make the change and then run Portable Offline Browser.

Table 1. 

ValueType Action
ParsingPriorityDWORDDefines priority of the parsing thread: 0 - normal, 1 - lower, 2 - lowest, 3 - idle.
ParsingMaxDWORDParsing queue limit (in files). If the parsing queue exceeds the limit, downloading new files suspends.
OvrSymbolString%& by default - defines how the overloaded directories are named.
MaxOvrFilesDWORDMaximum amount of files per directory, after which subdirectories are created.
LogLimitDWORDMaximum number of log lines, after which it gets cleared.
ClientIDStringRTSP ClientID: field contents.
DefaultDocStringdefault.htm by default. Default filename if a URL ends with the slash symbol.
ASPAsHTMLDWORD1 forces Portable Offline Browser to export all ASP files as HTMLs.
GlobalAcceptLanguageStringAdd Accept-Language: to all HTTP request headers
ExportReplaceCharStringReplacement symbol for 8+3 export.
SkipHTMLOnExportDWORD1 forces Portable Offline Browser not to add <HTML> tag to Web pages.
HideCheckNewVersionDWORD1 hides Check for New Version toolbar button and Options dialog settings.
SkipIndexInDDDWORD1 forces Portable Offline Browser not to create default.htm index file in the Download directory.