Schedule Manager

The Schedule Manager is a useful tool for inspecting or changing the order in which your Projects are scheduled for automatic downloads.

It represents Projects on a timeline in one of the four chosen modes:

Daily - displays all Projects scheduled for everyday download. (0 - 24 hours timeline)

Weekly - for Projects to be loaded every week. (Sunday through Saturday timeline)

Monthly - only Projects which have to be downloaded every month. (Timeline from 1st to 31st day)

Yearly - for every year schedule. (January through December timeline)

Each Project is shown with a blue arrow. Project details are displayed on the upper panel when the mouse hovers over the corresponding blue arrow.

You may change the Project scheduled time by moving its arrow with your mouse (the left mouse button should be held down.) Dragging a Project out of the Schedule manager will change its scheduled state to Manual. Double-clicking a Project will show the Scheduling panel in Project Properties dialog.

You may also drag a Project from the Projects tree to the Schedule Manager to set its scheduled state and time.


Another useful feature is Sequencer. You can drag and drop Projects on it to download them one-by-one. When a Project from the sequence is downloaded, the next one starts.

You can start and stop sequencer using the Suspend box. If Loop box is checked, the sequencer will start the first Project after the last one finishes downloading.

Double-click on a Project in the Sequencer to select it in the Projects tree. This will allow you to start or stop it manually. Use right-click context menu to change sequence order or remove Projects.