Batch mode example: Score Tables

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Winsteps produces a Score Table in Table 20 which is for responses to every active item. You can use the Batch File feature to automate the production of Score Tables for subtests of items.


(1) Do the calibration run:


 title="Item calibration"

 ni=3            ; these match your data file





 ifile= if.txt  ; item calibrations

 sfile= sf.txt  ; rating (or partial credit) scale structure






(2) Set up the control file for the batch run:


 ; This is scon.txt

 title="Produce score table"

 ni=3               ; match your data file





 iafile = if.txt ; item anchor file

 safile = sf.txt ; rating (or partial credit) scale structure anchor file


 1 0   ; dummy person measures

 2 0


 CONVERGE=L  ; only logit change is used for convergence

 LCONV=0.005  ; logit change too small to appear on any report.




121.... ; two lines of dummy data - such that every item has a non-extreme score.



(3) Set up the Batch (.bat or .cmd) file and run it. Use IDFILE=* to select the items you want (or ISELECT=)


rem this is score.cmd

del sc*.txt

start /w ..\winsteps sc.txt dummy SCOREFILE=sc001.txt batch=yes idfile=* +3 * title=item3

start /w ..\winsteps sc.txt dummy SCOREFILE=sc010.txt batch=yes idfile=* +2 * title=item2

start /w ..\winsteps sc.txt dummy SCOREFILE=sc100.txt batch=yes idfile=* +1 * title=item1

start /w ..\winsteps sc.txt dummy SCOREFILE=sc011.txt batch=yes idfile=* +2 +3 * title=items23

start /w ..\winsteps sc.txt dummy SCOREFILE=sc101.txt batch=yes idfile=* +1 +3 * title=item13

start /w ..\winsteps sc.txt dummy SCOREFILE=sc110.txt batch=yes idfile=* +1 +2 * title=items12

start /w ..\winsteps sc.txt dummy SCOREFILE=sc111.txt batch=yes idfile=* +1 +2 +3 * title=items123


copy sc*.txt scores.txt


(4) The Score Tables are in file scores.txt



Batch command to select one line from a file.


Save the code below as oneline.bat


c:>oneline 23 infile.txt >>outfile.txt

selects line 24


 @echo off

 rem select one line  from a file

 setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

 if [%1] == [] goto usage

 if [%2] == [] goto usage

 for /f "skip=%1 delims=" %%a in (%2) do (

 echo %%a

 goto exit


 goto exit


 echo Usage: oneline.bat  linebefore infile   >>outfile
