Example 3: Item recoding and item deletion

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The test has 25 items, specified in EXAM3.TXT. The item response string starts in column 12. Person-id's start in column 1 (the standard value). Original item codes are "0", "1", "2" and "X". All items are to be recoded and the original-to-new-code assignments will be 0 0, 1 2, 2 1 and X 3. Items 5, 8, and 20 through 25 are to be deleted from the analysis, and are specified in the control. The misfit criterion for person or item behavior is 3.0. Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20 and 21 are to appear in your report output file EXAM3OUT.TXT. Sequence numbers are used as item names. Data are in file EXAM3DAT.TXT.


; This file is EXAM3.TXT

 TITLE="A test with 25 recoded items" ; informative title

 NI=25                    ; 25 items

 ITEM1=12                 ; item responses start in column 12

 CODES =012X              ; valid codes

 NEWSCORE=0213            ; corresponding response score

 RESCORE=2                ; specifies rescore all items

 TABLES=1111111110101010101110      ; selected tables to go in output file

 FITP=3.0                 ; person misfit cut-off for reporting

 FITI=3.0                 ; item misfit cut-off for reporting

 DATA=EXAM3DAT.TXT        ; name of data file

 IDFILE=*                 ; list of items to delete: or use IDFILE=file name

 5                        ; delete item 5

 8                        ; delete item 8

 20-25                    ; delete items 20 through 25

 *                        ; end of list

 INUMB=Y                  ; use item sequence numbers as names

 &END                     ; end of control specifications


The data is in file EXAM3DAT.TXT


101F20FJDP 21XX2XXXXX111X1200001X2X 

102M20PFNP X2210122211222211222120X2


175F  FBDP 1X00X00000200012X02220100

176F23FEDP 21121022012002121 2202000      person id's contain demographic information