Example 5: Scoring key for items and CAT responses

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A multiple-choice-question (MCQ) computer-adaptive test (CAT), in file EXAM5.TXT with responses "a", "b", "c", "d" and a scoring key for 69 items. Your data are in the control file. This was administered as a CAT test, then the response file formatted into a "flat" file with one row per person and one column per item.


; This file is EXAM5.TXT

TITLE="An MCQ Test" ; the title

NI=69       ; 69 items

ITEM1=10    ; response string starts in column 10

NAME1=1     ; person-id starts in column 1

CODES=abcd  ; valid response codes

MISSCORE=-1 ; standard scoring of missing data, means that blanks are ignored

KEY1 = dcbbbbadbdcacacddabadbaaaccbddddcaadccccdbdcccbbdbcccbdcddbacaccbcddb

            ; scoring key of correct answers

ITEM=TOPIC  ; items are topics

PERSON=STDNT  ; respondents are students

NAMLMP=2      ; first 2 characters on maps, e.g., nl

PFILE=EXAM5PF.TXT ; write out person measures

CSV=Y       ; separate values by commas in PFILE=

HLINES=N    ; write out no heading lines in PFILE=

; Many spreadsheets and statistics programs expect a file of numbers separated by commas.

; Use IFILE= or PFILE= with CSV=Y and HLINES=N.

MJMLE=0     ; allow as many JMLE iterations as necessary

EXTRSC=0.5  ; most conservative (central) extreme measures wanted

XFILE=EXAM5XF.TXT ; write out individual response residual file


nl01  Month

nl02  Sign


sb02  newspaper

sb03  newspaper


IM  CAT                          a          dcacc  ccabbcaa

NM  KAT     b badad accaaba aa c dd   ab   c  


NH  RIC  ddb  b dbdcbcaadba ba acd bad  db     c   d    cc

IL  HOL        a      a  da d   d ccbddd bcd  dc ca