FITLOW= lower bar in charts = 0, none

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Use FITLOW= to position the lower acceptance bars in Tables like 6.2. Use FITHIGH= to position the higher bar.


FITLOW=0 cancels the instruction.


Example: We want the lower mean-square acceptance bar to be shown at 0.6

 FITLOW=0.6 ; show lower fit bar

CHART=YES ; produce Tables like 6.2




|ENTRY | MEASURE |  INFIT MEAN-SQUARE  | OUTFIT MEAN-SQUARE  |                               |

|NUMBER| -     + | .0  0.6  1        :2| .0  0.6  1        :2| PUPIL                         |


|    46|  *      |      :   .  *       |T     :   .*         | MULLER, JEFF                  |

|    26|  *      |      :*  .          |U     :   . *        | NEIMAN, RAYMOND               |

|    30| *       |      :   *          |V     :   . *        | NORDGREN, JAN SWEDE           |

|    23|    *    |    * :   .          |c  *  :   .          | VROOM, JEFF                   |

|    22|   *     |   *  :   .          |b *   :   .          | HOGAN, Kathleen               |

|    21|  *      |  *   :   .          |a *   :   .          | RISEN, NORM L.                |