MODFROM= location of MODELS= = No, before &END |
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This command has not proved productive. It is maintained for backwards compatibility.
Instructs where to find the MODELS= information.
Only use this if you have too many items to put conveniently on one line of the MODELS= control variable. It is easier to use "+" continuation lines
MODFROM=N MODELS= is a control variable before &END (the standard).
MODELS= information follows just after &END but before the item names. It is formatted exactly like a data record. It is helpful to enter "MODELS=" where the person name would go.
Example: A test consists of 10 three-category items. The highest level answer is scored with KEY2=. The next level with KEY1=. Some items have the "Success" structure, where the higher level is administered only after success has been achieved on the lower level. Some items have the "Failure" structure, where the lower level is administered only after failure at the higher level. The MODELS=, KEY1=, KEY2= are formatted exactly like data records. The data records are in a separate file.
NAME1 = 5 start of person-id
ITEM1 = 20 start of responses
NI = 10 ten items
CODES = ABCDE valid codes
MODFRM = Y MODELS= in data format
KEYFRM = 2 two keys in data format
DATA = DATAFILE location of data
; 1 2 columns
KEY1= BCDABCDABC starts in column ITEM1 = 20
Item name 1 first item name
Item name 10