NAMLEN= length of person label = (calculated)

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Use this if too little or too much person-id information is printed in your output tables.


NAMLEN= allows you define the length of the person-id name with a value in the range of 1 to 30 characters. This value overrides the value obtained according to the rules which are used to calculate the length of the person-id. These rules are:

1) Maximum person-id length is 300 characters

2) Person-id starts at column NAME1=

3) Person-id ends at ITEM1= or end of data record.

4) If NAME1= equals ITEM1= then length is 30 characters.


Example 1: The 9 characters including and following NAME1= are the person's Social Security number, and are to be used as the person-id.



Example 2: We want to show the responses in Example0.txt as the person label to help diagnose the fit statistics:

 ITEM1 = 1 

 NI = 25

 NAME1 = 1

 NAMLEN = 25



|ENTRY    RAW                   MODEL|   INFIT  |  OUTFIT  |PTMEA|                          |



|    12     17     25    -.85     .36|1.90   2.7|2.86   3.9|A .24| 0100220101210011021000101|

|     6     24     25    -.02     .34|1.48   1.7|1.83   2.3|B .30| 1011211011121010122101210|

|    15     27     25     .31     .33| .86   -.5|1.72   1.9|C .10| 1111111111111111112211111|

|     7     44     25    2.62     .47|1.71   1.7|1.00    .3|D .41| 2220022202222222222222222|

|    14     23     25    -.14     .34|1.62   2.1|1.53   1.6|E .54| 2110020212022100022000120|