OUTFIT= sort misfits on greater of infit or outfit = Both

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Other Rasch programs may use infit, outfit or some other fit statistic. There is no one "correct" statistic. Use the one you find most useful.


Specifies whether mean-square infit or mean-square outfit is used as your output sorting and selection criterion for the diagnosis of misfits in Tables 6, 7.2, 10.


OUTFIT=Yes or Both or 2

For each person, the greater of the outfit mean-square and infit mean-square is used as the fit statistic for sorting and selection (the standard).

OUTFIT=No or Infit or 1

Infit mean-square only is used as the fit statistic for sorting and selection.

OUTFIT=Outfit or 0

Outfit mean-square only is used as the fit statistic for sorting and selection.


Example: We want Table 6 sorted by Outfit Mean-square descending:
OUTFIT = Outfit
Output Tables: 6