Table 10.4 Item most-misfitting response strings |
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Table 10.4 displays the unexpected responses in the most-misfitting item-response strings.
In this Table, the item (rows) are sorted:
Sorted by Outfit Mean-square descending |
Sorted by bigger of Outfit Mean-square and Infit mean-square descending. |
The person (columns) are sorted by measure. The most-able item (highest-scoring) is on the left. The oerson entry-numbers are in each column (vertically). In the Figure, the first is person 41. The persons shown are those with the most-unexpected responses. UCOUNT= sets the maximum number of persons to report. LINELENGTH= controls the width of the table.
Each row contains:
Item entry number
Item label
Item outfit mean-square
Item letter (A-Z) in the plot in Tables 8 and 9.
The responses to the items:
0, 1, 2 and numeric values |
Scored unexpected-responses |
. |
Expected responses, standardized residuals < |2| |
(blank) |
Missing data |
The 26 items at the top of Table 10.1 are shown, excluding those with no unexpected responses on the displayed persons.