Table 2.5, 2.15 Observed average measures of persons for scored categories (empirical averages)

Top Up Down  A A

(controlled by T2SELECT=, MRANGE=, CATREF=)


Multiple-choice items


Table 2.5 shows the average measures of persons choosing wrong distractors (illustrated by one of the wrong distractors, "a") and the average measures or persons choosing a correct distractor (illustrated by one of the correct distractors, "d").



-4    -3     -2     -1      0      1      2      3      4

|------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------|  NUM   TOPIC

|                                a                      d   55  al07  newspaper

|                                           a        c  |   64  sa01  magazine


Table 2.15 is the same as Table 5, but the options are shown by their scored values, not by their codes in the data.



-4    -3     -2     -1      0      1      2      3      4

|------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------|  NUM   TOPIC

|                                0                      1   55  al07  newspaper

|                                           0        1  |   64  sa01  magazine



Polytomous items


Tables 2.5 & 2.15 plot the observed average person measures for each scored category. It reflects how this sample used these categories. The plotted values cannot fall outside the range of the sample.



-2     -1       0       1       2       3       4       5

|-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------|  NUM   ACT

|                       000102                          |    5  FIND BOTTLES AND CANS

|                                                       |

|                       000102                          |   23  WATCH A RAT

|                                                       |

|                   00  01         02                   |   20  WATCH BUGS

|                 00    01               02             |    4  WATCH GRASS CHANGE

|                   0001                02              |    8  LOOK IN SIDEWALK CRACKS

|-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------|  NUM   ACT

-2     -1       0       1       2       3       4       5


   1 2  11 2 114346533233332222 322 2 1 1 1  1  1      11  PUPILS

    T        S         M         S         T