Booklet Options Dialog Box
Appears when you click the Booklet Options button on the Layout/Watermark tab.
Note: Some features are only supported by specific printers, operating systems, or driver types. You may see more features or options listed than what your printer supports.
- <booklet finishing>: If your printer has a finisher that folds and staples, select one of the following items:
- No Finishing: Does not fold or staple your job along the centerline.
- Booklet Crease: Folds your job along the centerline.
- Booklet Crease and Staple: Staples your job and folds it along the centerline.
- <booklet paper size>: Select the check box to let the printer automatically select the paper size. Deselect the checkbox to select a paper size from the menu.
- Booklet Margins: Select one of the following items:
- Standard: Force a page reduction so that the document can
be printed as a booklet without image loss. Use for printers that cannot print to the page edge.
- None: Print a document as a booklet without image
reduction. On printers that cannot print to the paper edge, cropping may occur.
- Gutter: Specify the horizontal distance (in points) between the page images. A point is 1/72 inch or .35 mm.
- Creep: Specify how much the page images are shifted outward (in 10ths of a point). This compensates for the thickness of the folded paper, which otherwise might cause the page images to shift slightly outward when folded.