Using the Vertex Weld Modifier

In this lesson, you'll work on a model that was built with an older version of 3ds Max. It's a low-poly model of an airplane that was created using the Mirror tool.

Low-poly airplane

Set up the lesson:

Files for this lesson are in the tutorials\p38_lightning folder.

Weld the seam between the two halves:

This model was built in an earlier version of 3ds Max using the Mirror tool, so there is a seam of unwelded vertices where the two halves of the plane meet.

  1. In the Front viewport, select the airplane, Lightning.
  2. Use Region Zoom to center the view on the cockpit section of the airplane.

  3. Choose Modifiers menu > Mesh Editing > Vertex Weld.

    You can also apply the Vertex Weld modifier from the Modify panel > modifier list > Object-Space Modifiers > Vertex Weld.

  4. In the Parameters rollout, set the Threshold value to .75”.

    This is one way to clean up the model.

    NoteBe careful not to set Threshold too high. If you do, the model will begin to degrade as more vertices get welded together.
  5. Experiment a little by setting the Threshold to 1', then 6”, and then 3”.

    While the Vertex Weld can be used to reduce the number of faces a model has, greater values distort the model drastically.

  6. Set the Threshold back to .75” and save the scene as welded_lightning.max.


Using the Editable Poly Tools