Setting the Working Folder

The working folder is the location in your local system for the files you use with the vault. For this example, you’ll create and use a new folder on your C: drive.

  1. Create a new folder on the root of your local C: drive and name it Exercise2.
  2. Copy the folders inside the \asset_management\Exercise2 tutorial folder into your new C:\Exercise2 folder.

    The Scene folder contains a version of the Full House.max file, similar to the one you used earlier. The difference is that the five cards are externally referenced into Full House.max. Each individual card MAX file is contained in the Xrefs folder. The Bitmaps folder contains the image files for each card.

  3. From the File menu, choose Asset Tracking.
  4. From the Server menu, choose Options.
  5. Click Browse from the Vault Options dialog.

  6. Navigate to the Exercise2 folder and click OK to accept.

  7. Click OK to close the Vault Options dialog.
  8. Close the Asset Tracking dialog.


Adding Files to the Vault