You can adjust the color and display schemes used in the application and drawing windows, and control the behavior of general features such as zoom transitions.
Many of the settings are available from shortcut menus and the Options dialog box. Some workspace elements, such as the presence and location of toolbars and palettes, can be specified and saved using the Customize User Interface dialog box.
Some settings affect how you work in the drawing area:
Several types of tooltips provide pop-up information for interaction with toolbars, object snaps, and drafting operations.
You can view tooltips in toolbars, the menu browser, the ribbon, and dialog boxes. Initially, a basic tooltip is displayed. If you continue to hover, the tooltip expands to display additional information. You can customize the display and content of a tooltip.
Display Tab (Options Dialog Box) in the Command Reference
User Interface Customization in the Customization Guide
Rollover Tooltips in the Customization Guide
Create Tooltips and Extended Help for Commands in the Customization Guide