Orbit Tool
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The Orbit tool rotates the current view around a model based on a fixed pivot point.

You use the Orbit tool to change the orientation of a model. The cursor changes to the Orbit cursor. As you drag the cursor, the model rotates around a pivot point while the view remains fixed.

Specify the Pivot Point

The pivot point is the base point used when rotating the model with the Orbit tool. You can specify the pivot point in the following ways:

Maintain Up Direction

You can control how the model orbits around the pivot point by choosing to maintain the up direction of the model. When the up direction is maintained, orbiting is constrained along the XY axis and in the Z direction. If you drag horizontally, the camera moves parallel to the XY plane. If you drag vertically, the camera moves along the Z axis.

If the up direction is not maintained, you can roll the model using the roll ring which is centered around the pivot point. Use the properties dialog box for the SteeringWheels to control whether the up direction is maintained or not for the Orbit tool.