Package a Set of Files for Internet Transmission
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To create a transmittal package from a sheet set

  1. Open the sheet set that you want to transmit.
  2. In the Sheet Set Manager, Sheet List tab, right-click one of the following types of nodes from the Sheets-Tree list:
  3. On the shortcut menu, click ETransmit.

    In the Create Transmittal dialog box, on the Sheets tab, sheets are shown indented underneath another sheet when the indented sheets belong to the same drawing file. Selecting or clearing a sheet automatically selects or clears any indented sheets because transmitting a sheet transmits the entire drawing.

    NoteIt is recommended that you create and save several transmittal setups. Then, when you need to create a transmittal package, you can select a transmittal setup rather than following steps 4-11.
  4. In the Create Transmittal dialog box, click Transmittal Setups. Click Modify.
  5. In the Modify Transmittal Setup dialog box, click the arrow to display the list under Transmittal Package Type, and select the type of transmittal package that you want to create. Also, specify any additional transmittal options that you want to use. Under Transmittal Options, the first option, Use Organized Folder Structure, is usually recommended. Source root folder is the folder where the Drawing Set file (.dst) is stored. Use the Keep Files and Folders As Is option for AutoCAD 2007 eTransmit behavior.
  6. Under Transmittal File Folder, click Browse to specify the folder where the transmittal package should be created. A standard file selection dialog box is displayed.
  7. Locate the folder where you want to create the transmittal package. Click Open.
  8. Click OK to close the Modify Transmittal Setup dialog box.
  9. Click Close to close the Transmittal Setups dialog box.
  10. (Optional) In the Create Transmittal dialog box, in the area for notes, specify any additional comments to include with the report file.
  11. Click OK to create the transmittal package in the folder you specified.
 Command entry: ETRANSMIT