Package a Set of Files for Internet Transmission
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With eTransmit, you can package a set of files for Internet transmission. Drawing files in the transmittal package automatically include all related dependent files such as xrefs and font files.

A common problem when sending drawing files to someone is neglecting to include related dependent files such as xrefs and text fonts. In some cases, not including these files can make the drawing files unusable by the recipient. With eTransmit, dependent files are included automatically in the transmittal package, reducing the possibility of error.

Choose the Files to Package

The Create Transmittal dialog box displays two tabs for individual drawing files, or three tabs for sheet sets and drawing files that are referenced by sheet sets. Using these tabs, you can view and change the files to be included in the transmittal package.

The following table lists the common file types that are automatically added to a transmittal package. You can choose to remove any of the files automatically added and you can manually add additional files that you want included in the transmittal package.

File Types Automatically Added to a Transmittal Package
File TypeDescription
*.dwgRoot drawing file and any attached external references
Various image file typesRaster image files that are attached externally to the root drawing or external referenced drawings, or as part of a material
*.dgnDGN files that are attached externally to the root drawing or external referenced drawings
*.dwfDesign Web Format files that are attached externally to the root drawing or external referenced drawings
*.dwfxDWF file with XPS information that is attached externally to the root drawing or an externally referenced drawing
*.pdfPDF files that are attached externally to the root drawing or external referenced drawings
*.dxeData extraction files that contain extraction settings and data link information
*.xlsMicrosoft Excel spreadsheet files that are linked to data extraction tables
*.fmpFont Mapping File used for the In-Place Text Editor when working with Multiline Text objects
*.ctbColor-dependent plot style files used to control the appearance of the objects in the drawings of the transmittal set when plotting
*.stbNamed plot style files used to control the appearance of the objects in the drawings of the transmittal set when plotting
*.pc3Plotter configuration files used to control the device and settings for the device when plotting the layouts of the drawings in the transmittal set
*.dwtDrawing template file that is associated with a sheet set
*.dstSheet set file
*.dwsDrawing standards file that is associated to a drawing for standards checking

The following table lists the common file types that are not automatically added to a transmittal package. Many of these files include information that are specific to applications that run with the product, or contains information that were originally used to format objects in the drawing and are not longer needed to properly view the drawing when sent to another user.

File Types Not Automatically Added to a Transmittal Package
File TypeDescription
*.arx, *.dbx, *.lsp, *.vlx, *.dvb, *.dllCustom application files (ObjectARX, ObjectDBX, AutoLISP, Visual LISP, VBA and .NET)
*.shxCompiled shape files used for text styles or complex linetypes
*.ttfTrue Type font files used for text styles
*.pfa, *.pfbPostScript Type 1 font files
*.patHatch pattern files
*.linLinetype definition files
*.mlnMultiline definition files
*.pmpPlotter model parameter files, used to store configuration information specific to a plotter such as custom paper sizes
*.untUnit conversion file, used by QuickCalc and the CVUNIT AutoLISP function
*.pssPlot stamp settings files
OLE objects (linked files)OLE objects that are linked to files in the drawing are not included in the transmittal package
Rtext objects (linked files)Text files that are referenced by the RTEXT object are not included in the transmittal package
*.xls (Microsoft Excel files)Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files that are linked to data extraction tables are not included in the transmittal package

Include Instructions to the Recipient

A report file is automatically generated that includes a list of files in the transmittal package. The report also includes instructions describing what must be done with drawing-dependent files such as xrefs and font files so that they are usable with the included drawing files. You can also add your own notes to the report file.

Save Transmittal Setups

You will probably send transmittal packages multiple times during a project. The eTransmit feature provides a method to name and save your transmittal settings as transmittal setups. The Transmittal Setups dialog box displays a list of saved transmittal setups from which you can select each time you transmit a set of files. The default transmittal setup is named Standard.

Choose Transmittal Options

Several options are available for the transmittal package using transmittal setups. With these options, you can

After you create the transmittal package, you can post it to an Internet location or send it to others as an email attachment. If you want to send the transmittal package in an email, you can use an option in the Modify Transmittal Setup dialog box that automatically launches your default system email application. When the transmittal package is created, the transmittal package and transmittal report file are automatically attached to a new email.

NoteRegardless of which folder structure option you select for the transmittal package, any fully specified (absolute) paths of dependent files are converted to relative paths or “no path” to ensure that the dependent files can be located by the drawing file.

Transmit Sheet Sets

In the Sheet Set Manager, you can create a transmittal package conveniently from a sheet set, a sheet subset, or a sheet. Use the Sheet Set Manager to specify what you want to transmit.

NoteIn the Sheet Set Manager, on the Sheet List tab, right-click a sheet set node, a sheet subset node, or a sheet node on the sheet tree. On the shortcut menu, the eTransmit option will assemble the correct sheets depending on the node that you selected. Use named sheet selections to restore large or complex selections of sheets.

The tabs in the Create Transmittal dialog box control which files are included in the transmittal package.

NoteIf several sheets come from the same drawing file, only the first sheet associated with the drawing can be selected with a check mark or cleared of its selection on the Sheet List tab. The other sheets will not be available. For this reason, it is recommended that you create only one layout tab in each drawing file.

How Transmittal Packages Work with AutoCAD LT or Previous Versions of AutoCAD

When transmittal packages are sent between different people and organizations, it is possible that AutoCAD LT or previous versions of AutoCAD are involved in the transmittals.

You can transmit packages between users of different AutoCAD-based products, and you can use eTransmit to convert files to several previous DWG file formats. In addition, transmittal packages created in AutoCAD 2005 and later can contain sheet sets, which are not available in AutoCAD LT and earlier versions of AutoCAD. The files in these sheet sets can still be sent and received by AutoCAD LT and previous versions of AutoCAD, however, if you want a more powerful, convenient method of transmitting files, the best solution is to use sheet sets in transmittal packages.

When you convert drawings to a legacy drawing file format (AutoCAD 2007 or earlier), drawings containing objects that exceed the legacy large object size limits are reported as errors in the Conversion Error Encountered dialog box and are not converted.

Transmit Files Internationally

Beginning with AutoCAD 2007, the names of the files generated by AutoCAD-based products use Unicode standards and can be shared internationally. However, eTransmit uses WinZip technology to create transmittal packages. Because WinZip currently is not a Unicode-compliant application, it is recommended that you use one of the following alternatives: