Attach Digital Signatures to Multiple Files
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To attach a digital signature to multiple files

  1. Click Start menu (Windows), All Programs Autodesk AutoCAD 2010 Attach Digital Signatures.
  2. In the Attach Digital Signatures dialog box, click Add Files.
  3. In the Select File dialog box, select the files you want to attach a digital signature to. Click Open.
    NoteIn the Attach Digital Signatures dialog box, you can attach digital signatures to files that are compatible with AutoCAD 2000 and later drawing-file formats.
  4. In the Attach Digital Signatures dialog box, in the Select a Digital ID (Certificate) box, select a digital ID to attach to the files you selected in the Files to Be Signed list.
  5. In the Get Time Stamp From box, select a time service if you want to add a time stamp to the signed files. If you do not want to add a time stamp, use the default option No Time Stamp.
  6. In the Comment box, add any information that is relevant to the files you are signing.
  7. Click Sign Files.
  8. If the file you want to sign is read-only, the Read-only File dialog box is displayed. Do one of the following:
    NoteIf you chose either a Medium or High security level when you obtained your digital ID, a message is displayed each time you try to attach a digital signature to a file.
  9. When all files have been signed, the Signing Complete message displays the number of files that were signed. Click OK.

    Files that were successfully signed display the text “Signed” in the Status column of the Files to Be Signed list.

  10. Click Close.
NoteWhen you sign multiple files at once, the files become read-only files to help prevent someone from accidentally invalidating a digital signature.