can save a drawing in a format compatible with previous versions
of the product.
can save a drawing created with the current release of the program
in a format compatible with previous versions. This process creates
a drawing with information specific to the current release stripped
out or converted to another object type.
If you use the current release to open a drawing
created with a previous release, and you do not add any information
specific to the current release, you can then save the drawing in
the format of the previous release without loss of data.
NoteTo use files with
AutoCAD Release 12 or AutoCAD LT Release 2, save the drawing using
the AutoCAD R12/LT2 DXF option.
If you need to keep a drawing created in a previous
release in its original format, either mark the file as read-only,
or open it in the current release and use the File Type options
in the Save As dialog box to save it in its original format.
Because saving a drawing in an earlier release
format may cause some data loss, be sure to assign a different name
to avoid overwriting the current drawing. If you overwrite the current
drawing, you can restore the overwritten version from the backup
file (filename.bak) that is created
during the saving process.
Maintain Associativity
in Dimensions
Associative dimensions created in
AutoCAD 2002 or later generally maintain their associativity when
saved to a previous release and then reopened in the current release.
However, if you modify dimensioned objects using a previous release
to the extent that new objects are formed, the dimension associations
change when the drawing is loaded into the current release. For example,
if a line that was dimensioned is trimmed so that an interior portion
of the line is removed, two line objects result and the associated
dimension applies to only one of the line objects.
Dimension associativity is not maintained when
a drawing is saved as an AutoCAD R12/LT 2 DXF file and then reopened
in the current release.
NoteDrawings saved in
a format previous to AutoCAD 2002 retain the setting of the DIMASSOC system variable.
When the drawing is reopened in AutoCAD 2002 or later, the dimension
associativity setting is restored. If a legacy drawing is opened
in AutoCAD 2002 or later, the DIMASSOC system variable takes on the value
of the legacy drawing's DIMASO system variable.
Save Drawings with Large
Drawings saved to a legacy
drawing file format (AutoCAD 2007 or earlier) do not support objects
greater than 256MB. For more information about saving drawings that
contain large objects to a previous release, see Maintain Compatibility with Large Object Limits.
Limitations of Saving to
Earlier Versions
Saving a drawing in Release
2000/LT 2000 format is subject to the following limitations:
File size can increase.
Encryption and digital signatures are
not preserved.
Saving a drawing in Release
14/LT 98/LT 97 format is subject to the following limitations:
Hyperlinks are converted to Release 14/LT
98/LT 97 attached URLs.
Database links and freestanding labels
are converted to Release 14/LT 98/LT 97 links and displayable attributes.
Database attached labels are converted
to multiline text and leader objects, and their link information
is not available. Attached labels are restored if you open the drawing
in AutoCAD 2000 or later.
Dynamic block geometry can be redefined
independent of the block’s dynamic elements, and the geometry in
the block reference is not updated when the drawing is opened in AutoCAD 2010 or
Dimensions created using the DIMARC and DIMJOGGED commands may not
retain their original color in Release 14/LT 98/LT 97.
Saving a drawing in Release
12/LT 2 DXF format is subject to the following limitations:
Lightweight polylines and hatch patterns
are converted to Release 12 polylines and hatch patterns.
All solids, bodies, regions, ellipses,
leaders, multilines, rays, tolerances, and xlines are converted
to lines, arcs, and circles as appropriate.
Groups, complex linetypes, OLE objects,
and preview images are not displayed.
Many objects are lost if you save a drawing
as Release 12 and open it in Release 2000/LT 2000 or later.
Multiple layouts and layout names are
lost. Only the Model tab and the current layout tab are saved.
Spaces in the names of layers and other
objects are converted to underscores, and their maximum length is
32 characters.
DWF or DWFx underlay files attached to
drawings cannot be saved to Release 12/LT 2 DXF format.
The status of external
references as unloaded is lost.