To insert symbols or special characters
in multiline text
If the ribbon is active, double-click
a multiline text object to open the MTEXT ribbon contextual tab.
If the ribbon is not active, the In-Place Text Editor is displayed.
On either the ribbon contextual tab or
expanded toolbar, click Symbol.
Click one of the options on the menu,
or click Other to display the Character Map dialog box.
To access the Character Map dialog box, you
must have charmap.exe installed. See Microsoft® Windows® Help
for information about adding programs to your system.
In the Character Map dialog box, select
a font.
Select a character, and use one of the
following methods:
To insert a single character, drag the
selected character into the editor.
To insert multiple characters, click
Select to add each character to the Characters to Copy box. When
you have all the characters you want, click Copy. Right-click in
the editor. Click Paste.
To save your changes and exit the editor,
use one of the following methods: