A multiline text (mtext) object includes one or more paragraphs of text that can be manipulated as a single object.
You can create a multiline text (mtext) object by entering or importing text.
Justification of multiline text objects controls both text alignment and text flow relative to the text insertion point.
You can override the text style and apply different formatting to individual words and characters within multiline text.
You can create bulleted lists, lettered or numbered lists, or simple outlines in multiline text.
You can control how paragraphs are indented in a multiline text (mtext) object. The ruler in the In-Place Text Editor shows the settings for the current paragraph.
Line spacing for multiline text is the distance between the baseline (bottom) of one line of text and the baseline of the next line of text. The line space factor applies to the entire multiline text object, not to selected lines.
Characters representing fractions and tolerances can be formatted to conform to several standards.