Disassociate Compound Objects (Explode)
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You can convert a compound object, such as a polyline, dimension, hatch, or block reference, into individual elements.

You can explode a compound object, such as a polyline, dimension, hatch, or block reference, to convert it into individual elements. For example, exploding a polyline breaks it down to simple lines and arcs. Exploding a block reference or an associative dimension replaces it with copies of the objects that compose the block or dimension.

Explode Dimensions and Hatches

When you explode a dimension or a hatch, all associativity is lost and the dimension or hatch object is replaced by individual objects such as lines, text, points, and 2D solids. To explode dimensions automatically when you create them, set the DIMASSOC system variable to 0.

Explode Polylines

When you explode a polyline, any associated width information is discarded. The resulting lines and arcs follow the polyline's centerline. If you explode a block that contains a polyline, you need to explode the polyline separately. If you explode a donut, its width becomes 0.

Explode Block References

If you explode a block with attributes, the attribute values are lost, leaving only the attribute definitions. The colors and linetypes of objects in exploded block references can change.

Explode External References

An external reference (xref) is a drawing file linked (or attached) to another drawing. You cannot explode xrefs and their dependent blocks.