Filter Selection Sets
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ConceptProcedureQuick Reference

To exclude objects from the selection set

You can exclude objects from the current selection set by using the Exclude from New Selection Set option. In the following example, you exclude all circles with a radius greater than 1 from a set of objects already selected.

  1. Select several objects.
  2. Click Home tabUtilities panelQuick Select. At the Command prompt, enter qselect.
  3. In the Quick Select dialog box, under Apply To, select Current Selection.
  4. Under Object Type, select Circle.
  5. Under Properties, select Radius.
  6. Under Operator, select Greater Than.
  7. Under Value, enter 1.
  8. Under How to Apply, select Exclude from New Selection Set.
  9. Click OK.

    All circles with a radius greater than 1 are removed from the selection set.

 Command entry: QSELECT