Select Objects
Expand All
Expand all collapsed sections.
Collapse All
Collapse all expanded sections.

To select a single object

To change the size of the pickbox cursor

To cycle through objects for selection

To remove selection from objects

To see a list of options at the Select Objects prompt

To select objects within an irregularly shaped area

To select objects crossing an irregularly shaped area

To select objects with a fence

To remove several objects from the selection set

To lock or unlock a layer

To lock or unlock a layer by selecting an object on that layer

To create a selection set using Quick Select

To exclude objects from the selection set

To append objects to the selection set

To name and save a filtered list

To use a named filter

To change the size of the pickbox cursor

To change object selection settings

To turn on or turn off selection previewing

To change the appearance of selection previewing

To exclude objects from selection previewing

To change the appearance of the selection area