Draw Polylines
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ConceptProcedureQuick Reference

To create a boundary polyline

  1. Click Home tabDraw panelBoundary. At the command prompt, enter boundary.
  2. In the Boundary Creation dialog box, in the Object Type list, select Polyline.
  3. Under Boundary Set, do one of the following:
  4. Click Pick Points.
  5. Specify points within each area that you want to form a boundary polyline.

    This area must be totally enclosed; that is, there can be no gaps between enclosing objects. You can select more than one area. Click Island Detection if you want internal closed areas to be included in the boundary set.

  6. Press ENTER to create the boundary polyline and end the command.

    The command creates a polyline in the shape of the boundary. Because this polyline overlaps the objects used to create it, it may not be visible. However, you can move, copy, or modify it just as you can any other polyline.

 Command entry: BOUNDARY