Track to Offset Point Locations (Tracking)
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ConceptProcedureQuick Reference

To use tracking to specify a point

  1. Start a command, such as the LINE command.
  2. Hold down SHIFT and right-click in the drawing area. Click Tracking.
  3. Specify a point.
  4. Move the cursor directly up, down, left, or right until you see the rubber-band line.

    The direction of movement affects the tracking direction. Notice that if you move the cursor from left to right, you must then move it directly over the last point specified in order to move it up or down.

  5. Specify a second point.
  6. Press ENTER to end tracking.

    The start point of the line snaps to the imaginary intersection of the vertical and horizontal paths extending from the points you specified. The position is determined by the direction in which you moved the cursor after specifying the first point.

 Command entry: TRACKING (Command Modifier) (Command Modifier)