Create and Manage a Sheet Set
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To open the Sheet Set Manager

To create a new sheet set

To open a sheet set

To close a sheet set

To reorder sheets in the sheet list

To create a new subset in the sheet list

To create a new view category in the view list

To remove a subset from the sheet list

To remove a view category from the view list

To import a layout from the current drawing as a sheet

To import layouts from several drawings as sheets

To create a new sheet

To open a drawing file within a sheet set

To open a drawing file read-only within a sheet set

To remove a sheet from a sheet set

To reassociate a sheet in a sheet set

To add a view to a sheet

To add a sheet list table

To edit a sheet list table

To update a sheet list table

To add a block to be used for sheet view callouts

To change the default block used for sheet view labels

To add a callout block to a sheet

To create a sheet list table on a title sheet

To edit the properties of a sheet set, subset, sheet, or view category

To create a custom property for a sheet set

To create a custom property for a sheet