Control a Camera Motion Path
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To create a motion path animation

  1. In the drawing, create a path object for either the camera or the target. A path can be a line, arc, elliptical arc, circle, polyline, 3D polyline, or spline.
    NoteThe path you create is not visible in the animation.
  2. If the Animations panel is not displayed on the Render tab, right-click the Render tab and click Panels Animations.
  3. Click Render tabAnimations panelAnimation Motion Path. At the Command prompt, enter anipath.
  4. In the Motion Path Animation dialog box, Camera section, click either Point or Path.
  5. Do one of the following:
  6. In the Motion Path Animation dialog box, Target section, click either Point or Path.
  7. Do one of the following:
  8. In the Animation Settings section, adjust the animation settings to create the animation to suit your needs.
  9. When you have finished adjusting the points, paths, and settings, click Preview to view the animation, or OK to save it.
 Command entry: ANIPATH