Modify Materials
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ConceptProcedureQuick Reference

Modify the properties of an existing material after it has been applied.

After a material has been created and applied, you can modify it in the Materials window. If the material has been assigned to a tool palette, you can modify it in the Materials tool palette.

Materials Window

The material swatches that are available in the drawing are displayed at the top of the Materials window. When you select a material swatch, the properties for the material become active in the Material window sections.

The sections of the Materials window display different property settings.

As you modify the settings, they are saved with the material swatch. The changes are displayed in the material swatch preview. When you render the drawing again, the changes occur on any objects that have the changed material.

You can change the name of the material and the material preview shape. Right-click the preview swatch, and click Edit Name and Description. By holding down the first button below the swatch preview window, a set of fly out buttons display different geometry options for the material preview.

NoteIf the material that you changed is on a tool palette, then you need to update the palette with the reused material.
See Also