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You can click the Subscription Center button to display links to information about subscription services such as product enhancements, personalized web support from Autodesk technical experts, and self-paced e-Learning. To learn more about Autodesk subscription membership, visit

Autodesk Subscription Services

With Autodesk Subscription, you get the latest releases of Autodesk software, incremental product enhancements, personalized web support from Autodesk technical experts, and self-paced e-Learning.

Subscription services are available to subscription members only (available in countries/regions where Autodesk subscriptions are offered).

Click the Subscription Center button in the InfoCenter box to access the following options:

Subscription Resources and Privacy

Subscription resources provide interactive product features over the Internet. Each time you access subscription resources from Subscription Center in an Autodesk product, product information (such as the serial number, version, language, and the subscription contract ID) is sent to Autodesk for verification that your product is on subscription.

Autodesk compiles statistics using the information sent to subscription resources to monitor how they are being used and how they can be improved. Autodesk maintains the information provided by or collected from you in accordance with Autodesk's published privacy policy, which is available at

Enable Subscription Resources

The CAD Manager Control Utility can be used to turn Subscription Resources on and off in the program.