You can attach an entire drawing to the current drawing as a referenced drawing. With xrefs, changes made in the referenced drawing are reflected in the current drawing.
You can attach an entire drawing to the current drawing as a referenced drawing (xref). With xrefs, changes in the referenced drawing are reflected in the current drawing. Attached xrefs are linked to, but not actually inserted in, another drawing. Therefore, with xrefs you can build drawings without significantly increasing the drawing file size.
You can perform several operations on referenced drawing files (xrefs).
Beyond attaching and detaching referenced drawings (xrefs,), you can also update and bind drawing references.
You can specify clipping boundaries to display a limited portion of an external reference drawing or block reference.
Referenced drawings can be edited by opening them directly, or you can edit the xref in place from within the current drawing. You can edit a block definition directly from any selected block reference.
If a referenced drawing cannot be loaded when you open a drawing, an error message is displayed.
There are several features that can improve performance when dealing with large referenced drawings.