ID | Name | Meaning |
1 | Resource Name | 0 = Number of TRXs supporting EDGE,1 = Number of TRXs supporting half-rate services,2 = Number of TRXs supporting AMR,3 = Maximum number of TRXs,4=Number of the site supporting satellite transmission,5 = Number of extended cells,6 = Number of quadruple-transceivers supporting PBT,7 = Number of quadruple-transceivers supporting transmit diversity,8 = Number of quadruple-transceivers permissible,9 = Number of quadruple-transceivers supporting four-way receive diversity,10 = Number of TRUs supporting high output power,11 = Number of semi-permanent connnections permissible,12 = Number of TRXs supporting BTS local switching,13 = Number of TRXs supporting BSC local switching,14 = Number of TRXs supporting Flex Abis,15 = Number of cells supporting NACC,16 = Number of cells supporting NC2,17 = Maximum number of Gb links at 64 kbit/s in Gb over FR mode,18 = Maximum number of Gb links at 64 kbit/s in Gb over IP mode,19 = Maximum number of activated PDCHs |
2 | Alarm Attribute | 0=Normal, Alarms period are longer than the Transient Threshold. 1=Transient Count, The times and the period of the alarms whose periods are shorter than the Transient Threshold are summed up. If the sum result is longer than the Alarm Occurrence Period Threshold or Alarm Occurrence Times Threshold, an alarm so called Transient Count Alarm is triggered. Because Transient Count Alarm is based on accumulative result, the recovery of the alarm may occur at least one Summing Cycle later. The Summing Cycle can be query by MML "LST STATSLDWIN". |
If the proportion of the quantity of one resource used currently to the quantity allowed by the license does not exceed 105%, the system can still allocate resources without affecting the services. If the proportion of the quantity of one resource used currently to the quantity allowed by the license exceeds 105%, the system will not allocate the resource items whose required quantity exceeds the license limitation.
The traffic load of the BSC increases, the quantity required for one resource item increases, and the proportion of the quantity specified in the resource item to the quantity allowed by the license exceeds 95%.
140 BSC Unable to Read License File
Y => Any of the previous alarms is reported. Go to b.
N => The alarm is not reported. Go to 2.
Y => The alarm is cleared. The alarm handling is complete.
N => The alarm is not cleared. Go to 2.
Change the license name so that you can identify it easily.
Y => The alarm is cleared. The alarm handling is complete.
N => The alarm is not cleared. Contact Huawei Customer Service Center.