ID | Name | Meaning |
1 | Subrack No. | Subrack No. |
2 | Slot No. | Slot No. |
3 | Cpu No. | CPU No. |
4 | Optical Interface No. | Optical interface No. |
5 | High Order Path No. | High Order Path No. |
6 | Alarm Attribute | 0=Normal, Alarms period are longer than the Transient Threshold. 1=Transient Count, The times and the period of the alarms whose periods are shorter than the Transient Threshold are summed up. If the sum result is longer than the Alarm Occurrence Period Threshold or Alarm Occurrence Times Threshold, an alarm so called Transient Count Alarm is triggered. Because Transient Count Alarm is based on accumulative result, the recovery of the alarm may occur at least one Summing Cycle later. The Summing Cycle can be query by MML "LST STATSLDWIN". |
The quality of the services carried on the affected optical cable degrade, or the services stop.
Y=> Clear the parent alarm according to the corresponding handling suggestions. Check whether the alarm is cleared.
N=> Go to 2.
Correlated parent alarm
20236 High-Order Path Signal Failure (HPSF)
The parent alarm and the child alarm have the same Subrack No. and Slot No. in the alarm location information.
Y => Ask the transport link maintenance personnel to handle the fault. The alarm handling is complete.
N => Go to 3.
Y => The alarm is cleared. The alarm handling is complete.
N => The alarm persists. Please contact Huawei Customer Service Center.