ID | Name | Meaning |
1 | Cell Index. | Index of the cell where the switchback occurs |
2 | Cell Name | Name of the cell where the switchback occurs |
3 | Cell CGI | Cell Global Identifier of the cell where the switchback occurs |
4 | Site No. | Number of the site where the cell generating an alarm is located |
5 | Site Name | Name of the site where the cell generating an alarm is located |
6 | Alarm Attribute | 0=Normal, Alarms period are longer than the Transient Threshold. 1=Transient Count, The times and the period of the alarms whose periods are shorter than the Transient Threshold are summed up. If the sum result is longer than the Alarm Occurrence Period Threshold or Alarm Occurrence Times Threshold, an alarm so called Transient Count Alarm is triggered. Because Transient Count Alarm is based on accumulative result, the recovery of the alarm may occur at least one Summing Cycle later. The Summing Cycle can be query by MML "LST STATSLDWIN". |
The services provided by the cell are disrupted. After the switchover, the baseband FH function and the services are restored.
After the alarm is reported, the baseband FH function of the cell is restored and the cell is initialized.
Y => The alarm is caused by the switchover after the BCCH mutual aid. Refer to the handling suggestions of 402 Switchback after BCCH Mutual Aid in a Cell.
N => The faults of the TRXs that participate in baseband FH are rectified. All the TRXs that participate in baseband FH are functional. Go to 2.
Y => The switchback succeeds. The alarm handling is complete.
N => The switchback fails. Go to 3.
Y => Refer to the handling suggestions of403 Baseband FH Mutual Aid in a Cell. The mutual aid and the switchback show that the performance of TRXs are unstable. Please contactHuawei Customer Service Center to Replace the faulty TRX.
N => Please contactHuawei Customer Service Center to Replace the faulty TRX.