The GEPUG is the GSM E1/T1 Packet Unit for the Gb interface. It can be installed in slots 14-15 in the GMPS/GEPS. The GEPUG can work in active/standby mode and work independently.
The physical boards of the GEHUB and GEPUG are the same. After being loaded with different software, the physical boards perform different functions. These boards have the same appearance and the same LEDs and ports.
LEDs on the GEHUB/GEPUG(PEUa) Panel
The physical boards of the GEHUB and GEPUG are the same. After being loaded with different software, the physical boards perform different functions. These boards have the same types of LEDs on the panels: RUN, ALM, and ACT.
Ports on the GEHUB/GEPUG(PEUa) Panel
The physical boards of the GEHUB and GEPUG are the same. After being loaded with different software, the physical boards perform different functions. These boards have the same ports. Of the six ports, four ports are labeled E1/T1, one 2MO, and one 2M1.
DIP Switches on the GEHUB/GEPUG(PEUa)
The physical boards of the GEHUB and GEPUG are the same. After being loaded with different software, the physical boards perform different functions. They have the same types of DIP switches: S2, S4, S6, S8, and S10.