This describes the timeslot assignment on the Abis interface.
BTS Topology
This describes the BTS topologies. The BSC provides flexible BTS topologies on the Abis interface. These topologies are the star topology, chain topology, tree topology, and ring topology.
Timeslot Arrangement on the Abis Interface
During the operations involving timeslot assignment on the BSC6000 Local Maintenance Terminal, if timeslot assignment fails, the LMT prompts you to arrange timeslots. With your confirmation, the BSC automatically arranges timeslots.
BTS Multiplexing Mode
This describes the BTS multiplexing modes. The BTS multiplexing in the BSC refers to the multiplexing of the LAPD signaling on the E1 timeslots of the Abis interface. The BSC offers six 64 kbit/s statistical multiplexing modes (n:1, n <= 6). They are 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 5:1, and 6:1. The BSC also offers the physical 16 kbit/s multiplexing mode.
Manual Timeslot Assignment on the Abis Interface
This describes the manual timeslot assignment on the Abis interface. Timeslot assignment on the Abis interface is required when you add BTSs, cells, TRXs, idle timeslots, and monitoring timeslots. By default, the timeslots are assigned automatically. You can also manually assign timeslots on the Abis interface if required.
Semipermanent Connection
Semipermanent connection refers to the transmission channel comprised of some idle timeslots in the existing network. The semipermanent connection is used to transfer business hall information, alarm information about the BTS AC power supply, and other maintenance information.
Principles of Idle Timeslot Assignment
This describes the principles of idle timeslot assignment. The idle timeslots carry the GPRS services in the BSS.