Principles of Configuring the Built-in PCU Devices
This describes the principles of configuring the built-in PCU devices. When the built-in PCU is used, the BSC must be configured with the related boards to process the PS services, and the configuration must follow the related principles.
Principles of Configuring the Gb Interface Links
The Gb interface can use the FR protocol or the IP protocol. For different protocols, the configuration objects and principles of configuring the Gb interface links are different.
Principles of Configuring the DFCU/DFCB
This describes the principles of DFCU/DFCB configuration. Configuring the DFCU/DFCB is actually configuring the TRXs that require tuning in the DFCU or the DFCB, that is, configuring the connections of antennas and feeders. The configuration of the antenna feeder connections must be consistent with the physical cable connections on site.