Adding a GTCS

This describes how to add a GTCS and configure its attributes in BM/TC separated mode through the LMT.

ScenarioBSC initial configuration and BSC capacity expansion

The number of GTCSs to be configured depends on the traffic volume of the BSC. In BM/TC separated mode, a maximum of four GTCSs can be configured to support 15,360 speech channels (maximum configuration).

A fan box is automatically added when you add a subrack. You need to configure only the attributes of the fan box.



Table 1 Example of the data negotiated and planned for adding a GTCS




Subrack Type


BSC internal planning

Is Main Subrack


BSC internal planning


  1. On the BSC6000 Local Maintenance Terminal, click the BSC Device Panel tab. Select the number of the cabinet where the GTCS must be configured from the Current Cabinet drop-down list.
  2. Right-click in the area where the subrack is to be added in the cabinet, and then choose Add Subrack from the shortcut menu. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 1.

    Figure 1 Add Subrack dialog box

  3. Set the parameters by referring to Table 1.
  4. Click Finish. The addition of the GTCS is complete.
  5. Right-click in the Fan Box area, and then choose Configure Fan Box Attributes from the shortcut menu. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2 Configure Fan Box Attributes dialog box

  6. For the parameters in the dialog box shown in Figure 2, you can use the default settings or change them as required.
  7. Click Finish. The configuration of the fan box is complete.
  8. Repeat 1 through 7 to configure more GTCSs.


If you need to add a GTCS that was a functional GTCS configured on the MSC side (remote GTCS), do as follows:

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