Querying BSC Board Information

This describes how to query the BSC board status, attributes, and sub-board information on the BSC6000 Local Maintenance Terminal. This also describes how to query the electronic label of BSC boards.



Table 1 describes the board status that can be queried on the LMT.
Table 1 Board status



Value Range

Administrative State

Indicating whether the current board can provide services or not

  • Lock: The current board cannot provide services.
  • Unlock: The current board can provide services, but whether it actually provides services depends on other states, such as operation state and standby state.
  • Shutdown: New services cannot access the current board, but the existing services on the board continue.

After all the services on the board exit, the board enters Shutdown automatically.

Operation state

Indicating whether the current board can be operated or not

  • Enable: The current board can be operated.
  • Disable: The current board cannot be operated.

Standby state

Indicating whether the current board works in active mode or standby mode

  • Active: The current board works in active mode.
  • Standby: The current board works in standby mode.
  • Unassigned: The current board is not in active/standby mode.
  • Invalid: The current board is not ready.

Service transmit

indicating more information about the board status

  • Normal: The current board is running properly.
  • Fault: The current board is faulty.
  • Uninstalled: The current board is not in position.
  • Inconsistent: The status information about the current board is inconsistent with the configuration information about the slot.
  • Power off: The current board is powered off.


Related tasks
Using the Local Maintenance Terminal

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